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Tell your story

The last years I have realised that, it is important to tell your own story.

Not only because you know it better but because your story is as important as the next person and it deserves a place. A place to be memorised, a place to be listened too, a place to be what it is...a story!

We live in a world full of stories, only you can know and decipher to the world at large. You alone can and could decide how to control your own narrative.

What a gift!!!!

We should not be made to feel small about who we are. There is nothing small about being raised in the township, there is nothing small about being raised in the flats, there is nothing small about being raised in the rural areas. There is nothing small about being raised in the shacks of Zone 15 in Tembisa or being raised in a penthouse in Umhlanga.

Our stories matter! My story matter not what I wear or who I am married too or how many followers do I have.

We still have something to say... oh yeah we do!

We should not be censored. That is scariest of it all to lose your freedom and the space to create. Because of your story we should not feel excluded in the platforms of sharing and owning.

I think in this world we have a chance to co-exist because of our different narratives, the purpose of existence is to grow, challenge each other.

Oh! I miss the days of my grand mother telling me folk tales. These stories were me... My passion for writing, was discovered quite late in life.

But i'm grateful for the chance to be given this gift, where my children's children will read stories they know and relate too, laugh at jokes they know and nod to the rhythm of words.

The coarse of their hair will spring in joy, the sound of their language will be embraced and the tone of their skin will be loved and documented by the stories they know.

I like to listen to people when they tell me who and what they are doing, or what their names mean.

Have you ever thought about what your name me? How you were named?

amazing things can come out of hat.

So get cracking!!

Tell your story, if you don't tell it is bound that someone might tell it and you might not like it.


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