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Women’s Theatre Festival 2016

Women’s Theatre Festival 2016

Women’s Theatre Festival Interview.

WTF-Reflect on a moment you decided or felt that directing could be your thing

Philisiwe Twijnstra–

Honestly, I don’t know if I ever decided; the only thing I know is that I wanted to be the spear head of my storytelling. I am an actor at heart so therefore I felt that there was not enough,challenging,enticing roles for actors especially for actors of my kind. I was bit bummed to always had to wait for auditions, it was daunting and depressing,however now I make plays that interest me as a theatre creator. I tell stories that relate to me.

WTF- If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?

Philisiwe Twijnstra–

Challenge yourself more, educate yourself more and demand what you deserve because you are worthy.

WTF- What are your favourite moments from the last 12 months?

Philisiwe Twijnstra-

To be the first South African director to be invited to Mozambique for “theatre de inverno”. -The first scene of Salty pillows to be published, by Novel-Script, Twist Theatre Projects. That feeling is still exciting to know that a school or a community group somewhere is using my scene as a starting point for their creations.

WTF-Who do you most look up to?

Philisiwe Twijnstra

-To answer that truthfully it has become a very seasonal thing for me, it depends on who and what they would have done on a certain moment. But whenever they do anything, I feel exalted by their work. But those who are forever up in the game It would be,Shonda Rhimes, Ntshieng Makgoro,Lesoko Seabe, Amy Japhta, Kerry Washington, Liesl Tommy, Emma Thompson and Emma Durden and Roel Twijnstra.

WTF-Tell us something about yourself that not many others know

Philisiwe Twijnstra–

I talk to the mirror a lot and I get really inspired when I am in the bathroom, there is something about the echo…

WTF-Why the Women’s Theatre Festival? How did you find us? What made you decide you wanted to be a part of WTF?

Philisiwe Twijnstra –

Women’s Theatre Festival cares about the female emerging directors, about their growth, about the quality of their work, about development. I always feel like I am needed, hence the platform is there. The only thing we need is resources made available to us and we can utilise them accordingly , Women’s Theatre Festival is just that, a useful resource for our careers.

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